Ep. 99: Client Story - Anna (Infertility: Update)
Welcome to the Woven Well Podcast. I'm your host, Caitlin Estes. I'm a certified fertility care practitioner with a master divinity degree. Each episode will cover a topic that helps educate and empower you on your fertility while honoring the deep connection your fertility has with your faith. Let's get started.
Welcome back to the Woven Well Podcast. I believe that a part of empowering and educating women is connecting them with other women on the same journey. That's why we have episodes devoted to hearing the fertility journey of a woman who is a part of woven. Today's episode is especially exciting because it's somewhat of a part two to a client story episode shared last year. Anna came on in May of 2022, episode 21, if you'd like to go back and listen, which I highly recommend to share about her story of infertility today. I'm excited to welcome her back to share her update on that journey. And listen, I want you to know that whatever your situation or fertility goal, the fertility journey can feel isolating, but I assure you that there's a whole community out there asking the same questions. You are. Anna, I'm so excited that you're on the show to with us today.
I'm so excited to be back. I mean, it's been a year.
It has. It's been a year. It's been a year. And there's a lot to update on, I'm sure. Now I will say, I really do, if you haven't heard this previous episode, pause right now. Go back to episode 21 and listen to it. But for those that are not able to, or maybe they did listen to it, it's just been a while. Why don't you remind us a little bit about yourself and where you were the last time that we spoke.
My husband and I got married in 2019 and started trying to conceive early of 2020, after years on birth control and absolutely chaotic cycles. A friend led me to Creighton and then some research led me to you. And then we started working together in, I think May or June of 2020. And we then suffered our first miscarriage in October of 20, no, it was November of 2020. We had our miscarriage, and then from there, infertility. I had just had my diagnostic lap, with the St. Paul VI Institute in December of 2021. That, which was followed by my ovarian wedge resection and robotic endometriosis removal in February of 2022. And then we talked in May of 2022.
I think that's right. So you had already been on a very long journey. A lot's happened since then. So tell us what's gone on since the last time we talked?
So, my husband's in the military. Since we've talked, I actually quit my job. My husband went on a nine month Europe rotation with the Army. And then we just most recently moved to Texas. But within all of that chaos we conceived and had our daughter in May of 2023.
So exciting. It really is so exciting. And I know a lot led to that conception, so why don't you share a little bit about what that journey was like to her conception?
Yeah. It was absolutely on God's timing and God's plan. Truthfully, my husband had the most chaotic summer when it came to the military. He was at multiple trainings month long. So we had to try and pray that the timing for conception would take place. We knew this European rotation was, you know, coming very soon. So after my ovarian wedge resection and the endometriosis removal surgery, my cycles got slowly got better and better. And so we had the surgery in February of 2022, and we ended up conceiving at the end of August of 2022. So about six cycles between the two, which is pretty average from what I've heard and seen from a lot of other women. We were using Letrozole in previous cycles, but we actually decided to take that specific cycle off because Nick was gone. Yeah. He left--it worked out where he left from ovulation to ovulation.
But, you know, I said we took that cycle off, but there was so much that led up to that cycle, that led to us being able to conceive her. So diet changes. I had quit my job by that point. So actually no, I didn't. I found out I was pregnant with her my last week of work.
Oh, wow. You know what? I like you saying that too, because I'm sure that there would be some people listening thinking, Oh man. She had to quit her job in order to conceive. And I, I can't do that. And so how is this going to work for me? But you actually conceived before you left that position. So, okay. That's great.
So yeah, I, yeah. It was the Monday of my last week of work, I took off because I'm like, I have nothing else to do. I'm pretty much done out processing. And for some reason I decided to take a pregnancy test that day. And the line popped up very quickly.
I texted my NaPro doctor
Just, just a, just a picture of my positive pregnancy test. And she goes, okay. I sent the HCG order to the lab and then that was like 7:30 in the morning and then got my lab work done. Figured out a way to surprise my husband. Went to our adoration chapel and prayed for like 30 minutes. Just Thanksgiving. And then I went and surprised my husband that day.
Oh, that's so fun. By the way, I love that the first thing you did at 7:30 in the morning was text your NaPro OBGYN. That's the kind of relationship that I want all of my clients to have with their OB that they can text them that. And the response is, one, congratulations, obviously, praise the Lord. But then two, okay, let's go ahead and have HCG tested. Let's go ahead and look into progesterone, and anything else that we need to have tested. They are on it. They want to get results. Like now.
She was so quick about it. I'm so sad that we moved from Kansas because we had such a great relationship with her. So unsolicited shout out, but if you're in the central Kansas area, Dr. Hogan with One Body Fertility is an absolutely wonderful woman who will hold your hand and guide you through whatever journey you're going through.
Yeah. And that, you know, NaPro technology played a huge role in your journey. I mean, it does because we all have health issues that need to be accurately diagnosed and treated, but you really made the most of all these resources that were available to you. You had hormonal things done, you had surgical things done. And for those listening, if you're curious about what an ovarian wedge resection is, we actually just had an episode that I'll be sure to link in the show notes that is with a NaPro technology surgical fellow who explains what an ovarian wedge resection is, who it's for, how it helps, et cetera. That, but it obviously made a huge difference for you in your journey.
Massive. My cycles went from being 50 plus days to 28, 29 days.
Wow. Wow. Wow. That's great. So you made the most of NaPro technology, but I know that you did a lot of things personally in your own life, your lifestyle that made a difference for you too. Will you tell us a little bit about that?
Absolutely. So the two big lifestyle changes I made was moving my body more and then making sure I was nourishing my body with everything I needed. So really making sure I was planning meals that were well-rounded to give me enough nutrition to promote better egg health. Making sure I was actually fueling my body for what I needed. Because I was a chronic under eater. That took about the last six months before I got pregnant. We just, I ate to nourish my body. So that's a big part.
Yeah. And that change in perspective is really important too. We talk a lot on the show about how God designed us with dignity, and we are deserving of respect because we are made in the image of God. But also that applies to how we see our bodies and we nourish ourselves, like you said. We're not just eating to do things. We are nourishing this temple that God has blessed us with. And so that in a way, is a way of honoring God by caring for ourselves like that. And I, I like that perspective shift that you had in your life. And we've talked about God's constant presence in your journey. We've talked about how God has been involved as you walked through that season of infertility. How has God remained with you during pregnancy and then beyond?
So, I had a really rough first trimester. I was really anxious. Anyone who's had a pregnancy after loss, I think can agree with the constant worry and anxiety of "Okay, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop." Kind of the entire time waiting for when it, when do I feel safe?
To acknowledge this pregnancy and share the news. We told our families very early on, because we wanted them to know if we were to suffer another miscarriage, we wanted them to know and to be supported, because that's what we learned from our previous miscarriage. So we told our families, like the day after we found out actually. But every day I prayed like, Jesus, I trust in you.
Because I really had resigned my will. You know, God, if you really want us to have a child before Nick leaves for Europe, like, great. And if not, let me be fruitful somewhere else.
That was a constant prayer. I really, and so it was just such a shock that I was actually pregnant. And those first, I would say 15 weeks was rough mentally and just emotionally and physically did not feel great. Does not put you in a great head space, but I went to, I had weekly adoration, went to mass every Sunday. I was praying as much as I could, trying to get a good prayer routine in, and just trying to really root myself in God's word and trust.
Yes, absolutely. Knowing that if he was with you through the loss and through the suffering and through the waiting, then he would be with you in this season of pregnancy as well.
Absolutely. Absolutely. That was, it was key. I had, my phone background was just a prayer. And then I made sure to set my house up in a way where I had things to look at, to be comforting, because like I said, I was just so nervous anytime I went to the bathroom that I would see blood, or anytime I got my progesterone levels checked that they would have dropped or my HCG dropping. Or every time I went to have an ultrasound that there wouldn't be a heartbeat. And without constant prayer, I don't know how I would've done it truthfully. Because the anxiety just would've gotten so bad.
Yes. And thank you for sharing that, because that is a very real common experience for women and even couples. You know, men can experience it too, although their experience is sometimes different. But that anxiety after loss is huge. And I think sometimes it's underestimated what it's like to be living with that daily, as you said, minute by minute existence during that time.
The insomnia, the middle of the night, like any little twinge weird symptom. First thing you want to do is go Google it and that's the worst thing you can do.
Yes. It is, oh my goodness. Yes.
But thankfully I was surrounded by a group of very faithful women who were all also pregnant last year. All of my, all of my friends and I were pregnant together. So that was amazing.
That community, it makes a huge difference. We talk about the importance of it all the time, and of course, we want every woman to have a great deal of community in their real world lives, you know? Local women, they can actually like, hug and cry with and just do life with. But that's another reason why we create this kind of virtual community that's here through Woven Well, and then online with our Woven community. Just a place to know that you're not alone. And you can talk about these scenarios. You can listen to the experience and wisdom of other ladies who have come before you or are walking similar paths. And that's a little bit of what you're doing in this episode as being here and sharing your experience so that other ladies, when they hear this and they're just walking through a pregnancy after loss, they can know, oh, okay. It's not just me that's worried every single second, but it is a normal experience to feel that way. I'm curious if there are any words of encouragement or advice that you'd like to share with others listening. It could be about anxiety, but it could be about anything related to this whole process.
The first thing is trust in God's goodness and his plan. Like I said, my prayer before I found out I was pregnant was, if we're not able to have children right now, or ever, let me be fruitful somewhere else. Wherever you call me, leave me there. And that was, you know, pray that frequently, wherever you call me, just leave me there. The second thing was I actually saw a counselor from the time I think we recorded the last video until the end of my pregnancy, which was so important to help my mental space and my emotional place to process. Even though I had a community of friends, having a professional walk with me through that anxiety was so important. She was a Christian woman, so she understood where I was coming from, and that was pivotal. Like that was so important for me to be supported in that mind space. And the last thing was through this whole NaPro journey, I've learned how to advocate for myself. I've learned the importance of educating myself and, you know, really being on top of what is best for me, what's best for my body, and now what's best for my daughter.
So I've learned so much and now I'm able to apply that to different places in my life that, you know, I'm not afraid to stand up, be like, Hey, like, even though this is common, this is not normal.
Yeah, absolutely. And you're going to pass that on to her. You know, you're going to, by living that life, by living in that different way, you're going to be that example to her and show her what's possible. I love so much that in your advice, you're really saying that it's important to care for yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, like spiritually, all these different ways you are honoring your personhood. And that's something that is, can never be said enough. It's so important, and I'm glad that they could hear you say it.
I really think the Creighton community, the NaPro community, Woven community really embodies the full body treating the full person. Because most of the practitioners within this community truly believe in the dignity of the whole human person. And I think that is the difference that you'll find to most common, you know, medical providers or artificial reproductive technologies, is that the difference is that NaPro providers and practitioners really look at the whole person.
Yeah. You can feel the difference. Anna, thank you so much for being on today and sharing this important next part of your beautiful journey with us.
I was so happy to be back when you asked.
Well, listeners, if you'd like to connect with Anna through Instagram, I'll make sure to have her link in the show notes for you. Our Woven community is made up of some pretty incredible people. We ask honest questions of our fertility and of our faith. We believe that our bodies were made with beauty and purpose, that we are intimately designed and loved by our Creator, and that fertility plays a meaningful role in our lives. We believe this matters for all of us, regardless of our marital status or pregnancy intentions. Each one of us is valued. I'd love for you to be a part of our community. Our website at wovenfertility.com has tons of free resources and a way to sign up for our newsletter, which is a great way to hear from me and Woven once a month. But if you're feeling ready to get started and use Creighton for your family planning, like Anna has, then I want to invite you to our next introductory session, it's the perfect way to learn more and get started with Creighton if you feel so led. You can register at wovenfertility.com/joinus. As always, thanks for listening as we continue to explore together what it means to be woven well.