There's more to a woman's cycle than meets the eye.

But many women feel stuck when it comes to discovering more, because:

  • they don't know how their bodies work

  • they don't have a trusted guide

  • their medical concerns are dismissed

  • they’re afraid they’re overreacting

  • they feel alone in their questions

  • they don’t know all of their options



  • Introductory sessions are offered monthly in a convenient, online setting. You’ll learn about anatomy, physiology, how to read your biomarkers using the Creighton method, and all you need to get started the next day.

  • The learning happens in personalized one-on-one follow up sessions. Here you receive fertility education and individualized charting instruction utilizing the Creighton method, open dialogue about the role of faith in fertility, time for questions and answers, personal support, and confidence.

  • Once you know the Creighton system and how your faith informs your fertility choices, you can utilize it to make informed health decisions, avoid or achieve pregnancy naturally, and so much more. Never again will you feel in the dark about your reproductive health.

Working with woven, you’ll learn:

  • how your body was designed to work

  • how faith can inform fertility choices

  • how to naturally avoid or achieve pregnancy

  • how to spot reproductive issues

  • about the rich connection between body and soul

  • tips for fertility discussions with your spouse​

  • ​​a trusted network of restorative health professionals

What Clients Are Saying


Understanding your body and how fertility works is empowering and helps you feel more in control. I felt as though fertility doctors were taking advantage of my ignorance. Now, knowing what I have learned, I know what questions to ask and I can be an advocate for my body instead of blindly following their direction.

— Renell F.


Going through this process with Caitlin, she was able to help me identify what my cycle looked like and just how predictable it was after only charting for a few months. I learned SO much! And now, I’m 20 weeks pregnant which was our dream for doing this!

— Sarah B.

We have really loved this method and have great trust in it. The educational material is clear and helpful, and Caitlin has done such a wonderful job helping us make the method work for us. Being able to discuss intimacy and fertility with your partner is such a gift. It opens so many lines of communication and allows you to treat your fertility as a joint thing, rather than it being one-sided. Not only can this education help you achieve your pregnancy goals (be it avoidance or achieving), it will undoubtable strengthen your relationship.

— Katie B.


It taught me a lot about my wife that I wouldn’t have known before this experience. I’ve seen her regain confidence and Hope about even the possibility of getting pregnant. That right there has been worth it all to me.

— Chris W.


Many women feel ill-equipped to discuss their reproductive system, let alone make informed decisions about it. But understanding how this system works, it's spiritual richness, and your personal goals for your fertility may inform the choices you make about things like how you plan your family, what treatment you choose for cycle issues or disruptive periods, which birth control you prefer, how you and your spouse talk about intimacy, and more! 

​Women are often made to feel that their body and fertility are riddles only a few can decode. But with the guidance of a Certified FertilityCare Practitioner with almost 10 years of personal experience, you'll find that confidence and understanding are available to all. 

  • Health & Wellness

    Learn when to expect your period, what's normal and what to be concerned about, signs of hormonal imbalance, when you're ovulating, and more

  • Family Planning

    Learn how to utilize your natural window of fertility to avoid and achieve pregnancy naturally with 99.5% effectiveness

  • Infertility

    Identify your specific window of fertility, learn signs of underlying health issues, and connect with a trusted network of restorative health medical professionals