Woven Natural Fertility Care is excited to partner with Natural Womanhood to provide a short education course designed for pre-teen (10-13) girls and their mothers/female guardians!

Please add your name and email address to the right to be contacted about upcoming class opportunities or to learn more:

The classes will cover:

  • What happens to you at puberty (physical and cycle changes)

  • Why puberty occurs (a thorough explanation how the changes allow potential motherhood one day)

  • How we’re made as women (anatomy and functions with age-appropriate language)

  • The story of ovulation (positive description of ovulation and how it’s essential to human reproduction and overall female health)

  • Four “seasons” of a cycle (a walk through of hormones, reproductive organs, and the brain throughout a cycle)

  • Tracking your own cycle (basic introduction to menstrual cycle charting with simple paper tool)

  • The way you feel and why (discussion of the physical, mental, and emotional changes to be expected)

  • What’s normal and what’s not (discussion of lifestyle factors that improve or worsen menstrual symptoms, along with what’s normal or abnormal in a cycle)

I’m interested!